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Dragon Kingdoms V

videowizard - posté le 10/12/2010 à 01:30:34. (2 messages postés)

For RPG Maker 2000/ English

After the world was shattered, everything remained frozen, waiting. The world was waiting for a young hero to restore it to its past glory... but it didn't count on the hero being such a jerk.
Indeed, this is not a hero that everyone will want to journey with, they'll actually need reasons to do so.

You control this hero, who must search the land for Shards that have the power to restore entire continents into being. However, just as you're trying to rebuild the world, a great evil arises, that wants nothing more than to destroy it all. Are you up to the task?




While it is not necessary to play the other four games in the series before this one, it is certainly encouraged.

Latest changes
-No longer reach level 50 in the Arena when starting.
-Crystals guide the way (blue leads to towns, red leads to boss areas or dungeons).
-Enemies have a short cooldown timer after running from one.
-Support for a different font and arrow has been added in the menu, but not yet accessible.
-Dialogue made more clear on where to find the shards from two of the game's churches.

However, changes have only been made up until you go to Montane Castle, which is still quite a distance. This is a ten to fifteen hour game after all, and it will take time to fix up everything. Throughout October/November/Decembruary I plan to make some more fixes/additions, so stay tuned!

Télécharger ici!

Just another RMNer crossing the language barrier

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Sonara - posté le 10/12/2010 à 01:51:00 (2846 messages postés)

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aka Pendrel

* Gone to find the other four.

A l'origine, le commentaire ci-dessus devait être intelligent, drôle et créatif. Finalement j'ai changé d'avis.

Tata Monos - posté le 10/12/2010 à 10:20:28 (28 messages postés)

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Compte Non utilisé

Ils trouvent rapidement leurs marques que oniro.
Vous trouvez pas ? <3

mtarzaim - posté le 10/12/2010 à 12:28:01 (2926 messages postés)

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Anaxagoras -500 BC

Need RTP 2K to run the game.
Bad idea if you want to make your project played widely.

Judging by the screenshots, the size of the download, and the review by Silviera, it's a first thought project, with a lot of spaces to be improved.

The sole fact that battles are plenty, almost forced and bland is a big no in my book.

Spoiler (cliquez pour afficher)

Projets terminés : DIX Life Precious - TheFrogStudio.Net

Benku - posté le 16/12/2010 à 10:13:58 (2843 messages postés)

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Benku, le prince des ténèbres !

Ca peut-etre sympatoche à jouer, j'essayerais si j'ai le temps ( ou pas :D ).

Comme tout ceux qui vivent des heures si sombres mais ce n'est pas à eux de décider, tout ce que vous avez à décider, c'est quoi faire du temps qui vous est imparti.

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